sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008


The grass is green? It's such an opinion.

8 comentarios:

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

so very true indeed. I love your style. Very whimsical and wonderful.

Ste Hitchen dijo...

i like the way you use watercolor, simple yet expressive

Anna Nadler dijo...

I am in love with your style! It so loose and fee, the characters really come to life.

In this piece you can really see the sun shining down on the guy, very nice use of the mediums!

I'll be adding you to my Sites to See, if you don't mind!

get zapped dijo...

Perfectly expressed visually!

Anónimo dijo...

so simple. so wonderful.
so simply wonderful :-)

Solvere volo dijo...

Simple, accurate and powerful. Great!!! :)))))

Sònia dijo...

avui pasejant x el paseig, he vist el cartell de l'obra al kursal:)

manon gauthier dijo...

this is a great idea an a great drawing, i love it